Doing for Blind People what Cochlear is Doing for the Deaf


Cochlear is a $10-billion company that has sold half a million implants so deaf people can hear. Cochlear’s innovative and commercial success inspired the Australian Government to create a Bionic Vision Fund. $12-million was allocated to the diamond retina implant development. iBIONICS incorporated in Canada in November 2015 to further develop and commercialize the Diamond Eye™. The company benefits from deep ecosystems of expertise:

Australian Sensory Bionics

Canadian Digital Wireless Technology

Seeing and Being Seen

A healthy retina converts incoming light to electric pulses, which is the brain’s language—our brains are digital! In a degenerating retina, that connection is broken, and sight is lost. The solution is iBIONICS’ Diamond Eye, a bionic retina.

The Problem

Over 200 million people, born with sight, are afflicted with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) or Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) leading to blindness.

The Costs

Blindness is debilitating, stealing autonomy from individuals and comes with a high societal cost.


The Solution

The Australia-developed Diamond Eye™ technology, supported by a made-in-Canada wireless solution for implantable bionic devices, will return partial vision to the blind.

200 million people will be living with retinal conditions leading to blindness by 2020

“The pictures in the gallery of my mind had dimmed… I could no longer remember what my daughter looked like.”
– John Hull in the film, Notes on Blindness


iBIONICS leaders possess a wealth of experience in implantable sensory bionics, bringing smart visual solutions to global markets, wireless technologies, neurotechnology and clinical expertise. They retain laser-sharp focus and innovative global perspective while living a collaborative culture of compassionate strength and ambitious brilliance.